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Educational campaign "Widocznie, bezpieczniej!"!

Educational campaign

We have just ended our "Widocznie, bezpieczniej!" ("Visible, safer!") campaign.
It was aimed at spreading awareness about cyclists' behavior on the road among both children and adults. As a company that interacts with transportation on a daily basis - our mission is to educate about traffic regulations and responsible behavior on the road. After all, it's all about safety - not just for cyclists, but for all road users on the road.
Our educational activities included meetings at local kindergartens, during which we told children about, among other things:

  • what a helmet is for and whether it is necessary to ride in it,
  • what a bicycle should be equipped with when ready to ride,
  • how you can increase your visibility on the road and whether it actually improves our safety,
  • how to properly signal your intentions on the road.

Thus, from June to September, we trained about half a thousand children on the principles of safe movement and being visible on the road!

During the Kids Run series, we opened an Educational Bicycle Zone. More than a thousand little cyclists aged 3-7 had the opportunity to:

  • try their hand at passing an educational obstacle course,
  • test bicycle technical innovations,
  • take part in competitions and win prizes.

The partners of the campaign were Volkswagen Centrum Poznań, FTI Cycling and MAN Polska. Decathlon Poland was the sponsor that provided all children with bicycles, helmets, reflective armbands and vests. 

Honorary patronage was assumed by the Mayor of Śrem and Tata z Poznania foundation, and media patronage was held by Radio Poznań, MC RADIO 102.7 FM Poznań, bikeBoard magazine, Nasz Głos Poznań, Gazeta Mosińsko-Puszczykowska and TVP3 Poznań. Radosław Kozal, a blogger and cyclist, became the campaign's ambassador, who together with Imex Logistics trained young athletes through fun activities and taught them to be visible and safe on the road.
Thank you for your support to everyone involved in our campaign! We are delighted that the campaign reached such a wide audience and enjoyed considerable interest. We hope (and plan) that in the years to come the awareness of cyclists on the road will grow - among other things thanks to actions just like ours.
Watch out for yourself and others. Wear helmets, vests and reflective armbands. Ensure good visibility on the road. Why? Because: "visible, safer!".
For more information, visit the action website:

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